
Miniature Kingdom
forwarding page

1. Go to the Miniature Kingdom YouTube Video

. . . or . . . 
2.  View the FieldTrip.com web page for Miniature Kingdom

. . . or . . . 
3.  View the Dutch memorial web page
to the builder at ArthurThuijs.com

Note the center of this page has a brief history of his European displays and this 1 display in the United States.


Note there are 7 photo pages linked from the above page,
starting with Page 1 here.  Each page has 3 columns, and the rightmost column on every page contains photos from
Miniature Kingdom.  Other photos are from other displays he built in Europe.

Question: Does anyone have any LARGE digital photos of the buildings in Miniature Kingdom??  The ones on the Dutch website are all so small.

Arthur Thuijs
Screen capture from ArthurThuijs.com home page

 (Updated 8/30/2009, by RailVideos.org )