Track2 RailNet (Archive
Year 2000 Selling
Show Descriptions & Flyers
RailNet Site Index - Old Shows
> Year 2000 Selling
Show Descriptions & Flyers
this page:
A. Text Descriptions --
[OLD] Year 2000 Shows [January-June]
B. Text Descriptions --
[OLD] Year 2000 Shows [July-December]
C. FLYERS-- [OLD] Year
2000 Selling Shows [January-June]
D. FLYERS-- [OLD] Year
2000 Selling Shows [July-December]
- Year
2000 Open Houses
- Year 2000 open house
flyers are now on a SEPARATE PAGE, in order
to limit file size due to the large number of
You can also find model railroad
shows at:
paragraph tells how to SUBSCRIBE
to email announcements for upcoming events in the Central
PA area
- You can subscribe to
updated schedule information for shows and open houses in
the Central Pa area, that is emailed approximately once
every few month (oftener towards Xmas).
- Anybody wanting to
receive these email updates, send an email to Jim
- Note: These email
addresses are not given out to anybody, nor posted
- Use "<Subscribe
RailNet>" in the Subject line--the body of the message
can be blank.
- Use "<Unsubscribe
RailNet >") in the Subject line any time you want to
be removed from the list.
Questions about this ?? You
can contact Jim at 570-322-0988
paragraph tells how to get your club's
displayed on this web page:
- I will continue putting
your Model Railroad shows and open-house flyers on this
web page at no charge, PROVIDED that:
- 1--The event is
inside the included geographical region:
by putting the following note at the bottom of ALL
copies of ALL flyers pertaining to the event, in a
font size of at least 6 points:
"Show Flyers
- If you choose to be
NON-PARTICIPATING by not-including the above note on
bottom of the flyer, I will still include: date
city name of show contact
phone number; but I will not display the flyer on this
web page.
- Reason For The Note:
If you don't add the web address to the flyer, people
have no way to know that the flyer is on the web, and
I am wasting the time it takes me to post it for
Questions about this ?? You
can contact Jim at 570-322-0988
- Open
Houses & Running Nights -- This page lists special Holiday
Open Houses. Some clubs have one night a month designated as a
running night. These running nights are listed on
4 - Club Contacts".
- Contacts -- If you cannot reach the
contact listed, there may be more contacts listed on
"Page 4 -
Club Contacts". The Contacts
section will also tell you if there are directions or a map
- Confirming--Clubs change
& cancel these dates, but rarely tell me. Therefore, I
recommend you confirm
any event before you drive any significant distance.
A. Text
Descriptions --
[OLD] Year 2000 Selling Shows
- Note: "Show" means a selling
event with predominantly sales tables, which may or may not have
any operating displays. See the
following Section III for Open Houses &
- Out-of-date show descriptions
have been moved to the "Show
- format: Date 1: hours
Date 2: hours CITY: Group--Event
Name--address. Contact person.
- ORDER--These Shows are ordered by
date, then by city.
- Sat Jan. 15: 11 am-5 pm. Sun
Jan 16: 11 am-4 pm. LEBANON: Greenberg's--Great Train And
Collectible Toy Show --at Lebanon Valley Expo Center at the
Fairgrounds, 2120 Cornwall Rd. $6. Greenburgs, 717-228-2828.
- Sat Jan. 29: 9 am-4 pm. Sun
Jan 30: 10 am-4 pm. TIMONIUM Maryland: Ellicott City Scale
Model Railroad Association--Great Scale Train Show --at Maryland
State Fairgrounds, I-83, exit 17E. $6. Howard Zane, 410-730-1036.
- Sun Feb. 13: 9 am-2 pm.
GILBERTSVILLE: Gilbertsville Train O Rama --at
Gilbertsville Fire House, Rt. 73. $3. Mary Preudhomme,
- Fri Feb 18: 7 pm-10:30 pm. Sat
Feb 19:10 am-4 pm (clinics 7pm-10pm). Sun Feb 20: 10
am-Noon. GETTYSBURG: Ellicott City Scale Model Railroad
Association--Brass Expo--at Eisenhower Inn, Bus. Rt. 15 South.
$10. Howard Zane, 410-730-1036. <FLYER>
- Sat-Mon Feb 19-21: 9 am-5 pm.
SCRANTON: Pennsylvania Garden Railway Society--1st East
Coast Large Scale Train Meet & Small Scale Steamup--at
Steamtown, 700 Lackawanna Ave. Clem O'Jevich, 570-822-4615 eve, or
570-735-5570 10 pm-Noon. <FLYER>
- Sat Feb 26: 9 am-4 pm. Sun Feb 27:
9 am-3 pm. ALLENTOWN: Allentown Train Meet
Associates--Spring Thaw--at Allentown Fairgrounds Agricultural
Hall. Robert House, 610-821-7886, 6 pm-9 pm. <FLYER>
- Sun Mar 5: 9 am-3 pm. HARRISBURG:
Harrisburg NRHS--14th Annual Railroad Show & Collector's
Market--at Zembo Temple, Third & Division St's. $4. James
Robinson, 717-232-3545. <FLYER>
- Sun Mar 5: 9 am-3 pm. SCRANTON:
Scranton Hobby Center--Model Train Show--at Lackawanna Station
Hotel, 700 Lackawanna Ave. $3. Jack Sweeney, 570-342-1963 days.
- Sat Mar 11: 9 am-3 pm. HAZLETON:
Anthracite Model Railroad Society Show--Ramada Inn, east side of
Rt. 309, about 5 mi. So. of Rt. I-80 (between 80 & Hazleton).
John Simkovich, 570-454-2399,
Alt Pres. Hugh Jeffrey, 570-459-1804. <FLYER>
- Sun Mar 19: 9 am-2 pm. ALTOONA:
Altoona Area Train Collectors Club-- Spring Train Meet--National
Guard Armory, 327 Frankstown Road. Dan Summers, 814-693-9522.
- Sun Mar 26: 9 am- 3 pm. PALMERTON:
Carbon Model Railroad Society--7th Annual Train Meet--at Palmerton
Area High School, 3533 Fireline Rd. $3. 610-826-6636.
- Sat Apr 1: 9 am-4 pm. Sun Apr
2: 10 am-4 pm. TIMONIUM Maryland: Ellicott City Scale Model
Railroad Association--Great Scale Train Show --at Maryland State
Fairgrounds, I-83, exit 17E. $6. Howard Zane, 410-730-1036.
- Sun April 9: 9 am - 3 pm.
LOCK HAVEN (Mill Hall): Clinton Central MRC--Annual Spring
Train Meet--Mill Hall Volunteer Company, Water Street at Peale
Avenue, Rt 64, in Mill Hall. $3. Jim Hill 570-726-6826 .
- Fri-Sat April 14-15.
YORK: Train Collector's Ass'n--York Meet. (Not open to
public, TCA members & guests only.)
- Sat April 22, Sun April 23: 1 pm-9pm
Bethlehem : Lehigh & Keystone Valley Model
Railroad Club -- Easter Show -- at 705 Linden St, Bethlehem. 1
pm-9pm both days $3 per person/ $5 family. 610-974-9590 ask for
- Sunday, May 7, 2 to 5PM.
Bethlehem: Black Diamond Society -- HO module set up -- at
Northampton Community College Family Day. No admission charge and
plenty of free parking. Tours of College facilities, outdoor
exhibits, antique and military vehicles and much more. It is truly
a family fun day. Info: 610-861-5300
- Sat May 13: 10 am - 3 pm.
PINE GROVE MILLS (State College): Middle Division Ntrak
Model Railroad Club--Open House--at Saint Albans Anglican Church,
Kirk St. Free. Bob Guinter, 814-355-4131. <FLYER>
- Sat Jun 24: 9 am-4 pm. Sun Jun
25: 10 am-4 pm. TIMONIUM Maryland: Ellicott
City Scale Model Railroad Association--Great Scale Train Show --at
Maryland State Fairgrounds, I-83, exit 17E. $6. Howard Zane,
B. Text
Descriptions --
[OLD] Year 2000 Shows
- Sat Aug 26: 9 am-4 pm
Sun Aug 27: 10 am-4 pm
GETTYSBURG: Ellicott City Scale Model Railroad
Association--Brass Expo--at Eisenhower Inn, Bus. Rt. 15 South.
Howard Zane, 410-730-1036.
- Sun Aug 27: 9 am-2 pm
MILTON: Central Pennsylvania Chapter NRHS--25th Annual
Train Meet--at Southgate PLaza, Rt. 405. Allen Bubb, 570-286-8693.
- Sat-Sun Sept 2-3: 9 am-6 pm
Mon Sept 4: 9 am - 3:30 pm SCRANTON:
Steamtown--Rail Expo 2000--at Steamtown. CNJ O-gauge modular
layout, plus MTH, plus other activities.
- Sun Sept 10: 9 am-1 pm
HAMBURG: Hamburg Dutch Train Meet--at Hamburg Field House,
Fourth & Pine Sts. Ralph Maurer, 610-372-2364.
(per MR 9/00)
- Sun Sept 10: 9 am-3 pm -
ELMIRA NY, Chemung Valley Railway Historical
Society--Railfair Toy & Train Model Show--at Elmira YMCA,
corner of South Main St & Pennsylvania Ave. Randy Rockwell,
607-734-8336. <FLYER
- Sun Sept 17: 9 am-2 pm
GILBERTSVILLE: Train Show--at Gilbertsville Fire House,
Rts. 73 & 100. 215-657-2477. (per
MR 9/00)
- Sun Sept 24: 10 am-4 pm
ALLENTOWN: Railroadiana and Model Railroad Show and
Sale--at Dieruff High School, Washington & Irving Sts. Paul
Kuehner, 610-261-1033. (per
MR 9/00)
- Sun Oct 1: 9 am - 2 pm
HAWLEY: Hawley Fire Department--Toy Train Show
and Sale--at 10 Columbus Ave. Bill Delling, 570-226-3206. (per
Kalmbach 9/6)
- Sat Oct 7: 9 am-4 pm
Sun Oct 8: 10 am-4 pm
TIMONIUM: Maryland: Ellicott City Scale Model Railroad
Association--Great Scale Train Show --at Maryland State
Fairgrounds, I-83, exit 17E. Howard Zane, 410-730-1036.
- Altoona: NMRA Mid Eastern Region
Juniata Jct. Tri-Region - Oct. 5-8. Ramada Inn, 1 Sheraton
Dr. Thurs. 6 p.m. to Sun. noon. $50. P. J. Mattson, Registar, c/o
Juniata Jct., P. O. Box 447, Swedesboro, NJ 08085; 856-467-3385.
(per Kalmbach 9/6)
- Sat Oct 7: 9:30 am-9 pm
Sun Oct 8: 11 am-5 pm
ALTOONA: Alto Model Train Museum Association--Toy &
Model Train Show --at the Station Mall next to Railroaders
Memorial Museum, 9th Av & 17th St. Greg Miller,,
814-942-1848. <FLYER
- Sat Oct 14: 11 am-5 pm
Sun Oct 15: 11 am-5 pm
LEBANON: Great American Trains Shows--Lebanon Valley Expo
Center - 2120 Cornwall Road Suite #2. GATS office at 630-834-0652.
. <pseudo-FLYER
- York: York Train Show - Oct.
16-19. Valencia Ballroom, 142 N. George St. Mon. noon to 5
p.m., Tue., Wed. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thu. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free.
Herm Lotstein, 215-339-1948. (per Kalmbach 9/6)
- Fri-Sat Oct 20-21.
YORK: Train Collector's Ass'n--York Meet--at York
Fairgrounds. (Not open to public, TCA members & guests
- Sun Oct 29: 9 am-3 pm
SCRANTON: Scranton Hobby Center--Model Train Show--at
Lackawanna Station Hotel, 700 Lackawanna Ave in Scranton. Jack
Sweeney, 570-342-1963 days. <FLYER
- Sun Nov 5: 9 am-2 pm.
ALTOONA: Altoona Area Train Collectors Club-- Model Train
Show & Sale--Ramada Inn, Altoona. Gerry Edleblute,
814-693-1673. <FLYER
- Sat Nov 11: 9 am-4 pm.
Sun Nov 12: 9 am-3 pm.
ALLENTOWN: Allentown Train Meet
Associates--First Frost--at Allentown Fairgrounds Agricultural
Hall. Robert House, 610-821-7886, 6 pm-9 pm. (Copy of flyer
is at
- Sun Nov 19: 9 am-3 pm
SCRANTON: Joseph Grzyboski--Model Train Show--at St. Marys
Center, 320 Mifflin Ave in Scranton. Joseph or Theresa Grzyboski,,
570-347-3315/3314 days. Website at
- Sun Nov 19: 9 am - 2 pm
STROUDSBURG: Pocono Rail Historical
Society--Great Stroudsburg Train Show--at Stroudsburg High School
on Main St. Info, 570-894-3338. <FLYER
- Sat Nov 25: 9 am - 2 pm
WILKES-BARRE: 16th Annual Wyoming Valley Train
& Toy Show--at Ramada Plaza Hotel 8n Downtown Wilkes-Barre.
Info, Albert Faymore, 570-829-4073. <FLYER
- Sun Dec 3: 9 am-3 pm
WILLIAMSPORT: Whistle Stop Train Show--at Genetti Hotel,
200 West Fourth St. Jim Stabley, 570-326-4280 ,
, . <FLYER
Sun Dec 10: 9 am-3 pm. ALTOONA: Altoona Area Train
Collectors Club-- 12th Ward Train Show--12th Ward Civic Center,
South 10th Ave & 30th St, Altoona. Gerry Edleblute,
814-693-1673. <FLYER
- Sun Dec 10: 9 am-3 pm
SCRANTON: Scranton Hobby Center--Model Train Show--at
Lackawanna Station Hotel, 700 Lackawanna Ave in Scranton. Jack
Sweeney, 570-342-1963 days. <FLYER
- Sun Dec 17: 9 am-2 pm.
STROUDSBURG-south of (Wind Gap): Slatebelt Area Train And
Toy Show--at Plainfield Township Firehouse, Sullivan Trail (Old
Route 115), Wind Gap. Jean Niedosik, 570-620-2346 <FLYER
- Sun Dec 17: 8:30 am-3 pm.
WILLIAMSPORT: Train Meet--at VFW Post 617, South
Williamsport. Steve Williams, 570-322-8093; or Bob Morrison,
570-494-0390 <FLYER
Year 2000
Displays & Shows
- There are flyers here for some, but not
all of the shows listed above (in the text description in Section
- Flyers for OPEN HOUSES &
DISPLAYS are in the following Section V.
Sat-Sun Jan
29-30 -- Timonium MD - Great Scale Train Show

Fri-Sun Feb
18-20 -- Gettysburg - Brass Expo

Sat-Mon Feb
19-21 -- Steamtown/Scranton - Large Scale Meet &

Sat-Sun Feb
26-27 -- Allentown - Allentown Train Meet

Sun Mar 5 --
Harrisburg - Railroad Show & Collectors Market

Sun Mar 5 --
Scranton - Scranton Model Train Show

Sat Mar 11 --
Hazleton - Fourth Annual Train Show

Sun March 26
-- Palmerton - Carbon Train Meet

Sun April 9 --
Mill Hall (Lock Haven) - Clinton Central, Spring Train

Sat May
13 -- Pine Grove Mills - Middle Division Ntrak, Open

Year 2000
Displays & Shows
[July-December 2000]
Sun August 27 --
Milton - CPC-NRHS, 25th Annual Train Meet

Sat-Mon Sept
2-4 -- Scranton/Steamtown - Rail Expo 2000

Sun Sept 10 --
Elmira, New York - Railfair Toy & Train Model Show

Sat-Sun Oct
7-8 -- Altoona - Toy & Model Train Show

Sat-Sun Oct
14-15 -- Lebanon - Great American Train Show
Following taken from GATS web site

Fri Oct 27-Sat
Oct 28 -- Wellsboro - RailDays
Sun Oct 29 --
Scranton - Model Train Show At Lackawanna Hotel

Sun Nov 5
-- Altoona - Model Train Show & Sale

Sat-Sun Nov
11-12 -- Allentown - First Frost

Sun Nov 19 --
Scranton - Grzyboski Toy Train Show

Sun Nov 19
-- Stroudsburg - The Great Stroudsburg Train Show

Sun Nov 25
-- Wilkes Barre - 16th Annual Wyoming Valley Train & Toy

Sun Dec 3
-- Williamsport - Whistle Stop Train Show

Sun Dec
10 -- Altoona - 12th Ward Train Show

Sun Dec 10 --
Scranton - Model Train Show At Lackawanna Hotel

Sun Dec 17 --
Stroudsburg (Wind Gap) - Slatebelt Area Train And Toy

Sun Dec 17
-- Williamsport - Train Meet

To Other Model Railroad Show Schedules
National Show Schedules--For
the rest of Pennsylvania and US, see the Kalmbach Model Railroader
schedules as follows:
National Clubs
- Recent Revisions To This
Page: {{8/26/99--Initial release of 1999 Flyers page.
(9H26.118) (0A20..407) (0H21.[an error occurred while processing this directive])
// // 8/21/00-add 6 new flyers. // 9/6/00-add 6 events: 9/10
Elmira, 10/1 Hawley, 10/5-8 Altoona, 10/16-19 York, 11/19
Stroudsburg, 12/17 Williamsport, 2/17/01 Steamtown. // 9-17-00:
Add Open houses for Nittany Valley, Min. RR Club York,
MRRC, Black
Diamond, Keystone MRHS, Mifflin
County, Steamtown 2001. // 9-18-00-add Loose Ties, split open
houses & displays into separate section. // 9/19/00-fix link
to Black Diamond flyer, add 10/27-28 Wellsboro
Rail Days. // 9-22-00-add Lower
Anthracite Dates //
10-03-00--add LKV
flyer & dates, , add Loose Ties 10/14-15 Machinery Show, add
12/3 to Loose Ties Hummels Wharf, // 10-21-00: Add note about
notes on bottom of flyers. Move Year 2001 shows &
flyers to Page 2B. Add 12/9 Toy Train Expo Flyer. //
10/23/00-add flyers for Hudson club, Min. RR Club York
open house, Wellsboro Rail
Days. // 11-4-00-Add following events: Open House: 11/24 etc
Stockerton, SHOWS: 11/05 Altoona, 11/25 Wilkes Barre, 11/26
12/10 Altoona, 12/17 Stroudsburg (Wind Gap). // 11-5-00--split
flyers into one group for Open Houses & one group for Shows.
Add Shamokin flyer. {email
#5} // 11/11/00-add flyer for
12/8 Nittany Valley Open Houses. // 11/20/00-add flyer for Stiegle
Valley Open House (Manheim), add "Open House Calendar" for club
open houses. // 12-05-00--added text descriptions for 5 more club
open houses: Altoona
Association MRs, Columbia County MRC, South Penn MRC, Keystone
MRHS (club), Waynesboro MRC).
Revised table of contents & format. //
(2/17/01: Moved this page to
archive area, combined flyers from earlier part of 2000, split off
Open Houses and Displays due to large file size.) (4/28/01:
reorganize pages) . (9/15/01: correct date errors,
This page modified 9/30/01