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Appendix A - Macintosh LINKS


PURPOSE: This is not intended to be a comprehensive Macintosh links page. However, I have included what I consider to be a few key Macintosh-oriented links. (If you open these links, these sites will contain links to most other Macintosh sites.)

NOTE: You may find more up-to-date links on the Columbia Apple Pi and Pennsylvania Apples links pages (links to these groups are on Page 1 in the User Group descriptions).

This Appendix A Links Page consists of the following 3 sections:

Section A.1 Mac Advocate

Note: This grouping into 3 sections of "advocate/technical/purchasing" is only approximate. A lot of these links overlap into all 3 categories.

Section A.2 Technical Resources, Evaluation, & Information

  1. Apple Product Archives -- http://product.info.apple.com/productinfo/datasheets/pbmatrix.html -- this shows information on some of the previous Powerbooks.

  2. Apple's Orchard -- www.enigmaworks.com/orchard/ -- Apple-related news

  3. Low End Macintosh -- http://lowendmac.com/ -- All kinds of information about older Macs, plus current new articles.

  4. Mac Addict -- www.macaddict.com

  5. MacFixit -- www.macfixit.com -- technical information

  6. MacOpinion -- www.macopinion.com -- Mac commentary

  7. Macworld Magazine Online -- www.macworld.com -- you can search this site for product reviews that have appeared in Macworld magazine.

  8. Macworld Magazine - you can look in back of the actual magazine (the hard copy actual magazine, not the internet version) for used, refurbished, discontinued, closeout, and other good deals on Macintosh products.

  9. Ziff Davis Magazines -- www.zdnet.com -- you can search this site for product reviews that have appeared in MacUser (now combined with Macworld), MacWeek, and also PC-oriented magazines for printers and other peripherals that work with both Macs and PCs.

Section A.3 Purchasing

  1. Apple Refurbished Products -- www.apple.com -- look for the link to the Apple Store.

  2. Deal-Mac -- www.deal-mac.com -- tracks best deals for purchasing Macintosh products -- updated daily.

    Note that their 'ad index' page --
    www.deal-mac.com/adindex.phtml --has links to about six vendors that regularly offer good deals on refurbished Machintoshs.

  3. O'Grady's Powerbook Page -- www.ogrady.com -- exclusively devoted to Powerbooks -- topics on purchasing, rumors about new models, and owner-feedback, etc.

  4. The PowerBook Source -- www.thememorysource.com -- more PowerBook related articles.

  5. Ziff Davis Netbuyer Marketplace Product Search Page -- marketplace.netbuyer.com/cgi-bin/utility -- you can search for a particular product, and the search engine on this page will generate a list of vendors and prices.
    Note you get only vendors that are part of the this netbuyer system, not all vendors. You will find some of the vendors listed by Deal-Mac, but not all other them.

Revision Notes: (partial list)

1. 10/29/97-Initial Release of Macintosh resources page.
(The following list contains the most recent revision notes.)
3. 9/30/98- Minor rearranging. // 4. 2/06/99-Move this page to Page 2, reformatting.// // 5. 2/23/99-Move this page to Appendix A. // 6. 2/24/99-Add 2 advocate links at top of page. // 6. 4/1/99-general reorganization. // 7/19/99-touchup. //