You are here: RailNet Page 1 Home > Computer-Controlled DCC S-Gauge > Text Version 2 (Enhanced Program)

version$ = "RNLOC24d.BAS, 07-18-01"
' ver 24d: add code to ring bell automatically
' ver 24c: change code so functions work with any loco number
' ver 24b: hardcode functions 0,1,2;Move quitting message from line 11 to line 5
' ver 24a: Clean up to insert function commands
' ver 23j: Remove version comments
'Sensors & Printer: Sharing same 25 pin parallel port
'NCE & Mouse: Using 9 pin RS232 Serial ports (Com ports) (Mouse #1, NCE #2)
       SpdCirTop = 5: TimeCirCruise = 5: TimeCirStop = 4'Circle settings
       SpdPtTop = 5: TimePtStop = 4: TimePtCruise = 3
       CLS : LOCATE 2, 1 'Point to Point settings
       PRINT "Turn 486's num lock key OFF, then press RETURN "; : INPUT X$
GetPort: LOCATE 3, 1: PRINT "Return for Com1 (Laptop) or 2 for Com2 (Tower)"; : INPUT In$
       IF In$ = "2" THEN             'Tower-uses com port #2 (9 pin, mouse/NCE)
          OPEN "COM2:9600,N,8,1,BIN,RS,DS0,CD0,CS0" FOR RANDOM AS #2
          LOCATE 3, 1: PRINT "Opened Com2(Tower) "; SPC(40); 'None of above = run manual
       ELSEIF In$ = "" THEN 'Laptop-uses com port #1
          OPEN "COM1:9600,N,8,1,BIN,RS,DS0,CD0,CS0" FOR RANDOM AS #2
          LOCATE 3, 1: PRINT "Opened Com1(Laptop) "; SPC(40); 'None of above = run manual
       ELSE                             'None of above = run manual
          CLS : LOCATE 4, 1: PRINT "ERROR- '"; In$; "'is invalid Com Port #"; : GOTO GetPort
       END IF
       port = &H379  'Assign PORT to printer port input byte ?inp(port)&128
       KEY 18, CHR$(0) + CHR$(45) 'key 18 = 'x' key (scan code 45,pg 340)     
                                  'per pg 236: 45=scan code for x key;
       GOSUB GetLocoNum           'Space bar=get loco number
Exec:                            'Executive Program
       LOCATE 1, 3: PRINT "AUTOMATIC TRAIN CONTROL PROGRAM (By Fred Cupp) ("; version$
       LOCATE 11, 1
       PRINT "11 b=bell, h=horn, l=lights, o=all off"
       PRINT "12 |--------------------------------------------------------|"
       PRINT "   |       MENU (EXECUTIVE)            'q' to quit program  |"
       PRINT "   | Space Bar to enter new loco #        (t = sensor test) |"
       PRINT "   | Arrows: Up/Down = Speed Up/Down, -> & <- = forward/rev |"
       PRINT "   | p = Pnt To Pnt Automatic     | c = Circle Mode         |"
       PRINT "   | s = Chg Pnt To Pnt Settings  | d = Chg Circle Settings |"
       PRINT "   |  \--start Pnt to Pnt w/train blocking a sensor         |"
       PRINT "19 |----------------------------|---------------------------|"
       ''PRINT "20  (NCE Subroutine writes following lines)          "; version$
       DO UNTIL Key$ = "q"                   'q to exit
          LOCATE 20, 54: PRINT "{ Key$=|" + Key$ + "|}.."
          IF Key$ = " " THEN
             GOSUB GetLocoNum                'Space bar=get loco number
          ELSEIF Key$ = "b" THEN GOSUB NceFunctions 'bell & light on
          ELSEIF Key$ = "h" THEN GOSUB NceFunctions 'horn & light on
          ELSEIF Key$ = "l" THEN GOSUB NceFunctions 'light on, others off
          ELSEIF Key$ = "o" THEN GOSUB NceFunctions 'all functions  off
          ELSEIF Key$ = "c" THEN GOSUB AutoCircle   'Ramp up & down in circle
          ELSEIF Key$ = "d" THEN GOSUB ChgCircleSettings 'new speed & time
          ELSEIF Key$ = "p" THEN GOSUB PntToPnt   'Ramp up & down, pt. to pt.
          ELSEIF Key$ = "s" THEN GOSUB ChgPtToPtSettings
          ELSEIF Key$ = "t" THEN GOSUB TestEyes 'Test light sensitive detectors
          ELSE                               'None of above = run manual
             LOCATE 4: PRINT "4 Exec: Manual Run Mode - Speed Step = "; Spd; SPC(35); "-"
             IF LEN(Key$) = 2 THEN           '2 chars=arrow pressed
                LOCATE 5: PRINT SPC(79);     'clear old msgs from auto loops
                A = ASC(RIGHT$(Key$, 1))     'isolate right character
                IF A = 77 THEN Dir = Fwd     'right arrow = forward
                IF A = 75 THEN Dir = Rev     'left  arrow = reverse
                IF A = 72 THEN Spd = Spd + 1 'up arrow = increase speed
                IF A = 80 THEN Spd = Spd - 1 'down arrow = decrease speed
                GOSUB Nce                    'send command to NCE
             END IF
          END IF
          Key$ = INKEY$            'Read keybd; <- = ^K, -> = ^M, ^ = ^H, v= ^P
                          ' need above to reset Key$ after return from auto. sub
Exit1: LOCATE 5, 25: PRINT "  ## Exiting program (Key$=|" + Key$ + "|) ==========>>"
NceFunctions:   'Send new function command packet to NCE command station
'' Byte3 is the hex of the value of the following bits that are turned on
'' 128  64  32  16     8       4     2     1 <--decimal values
''   1   0   0   0     4       3     2     1 <-- 0,4,3,2,1 are functions
''   1   0   0   Lite  Dy Brk  Cplr  Horn  Bell
                                 ''      0 4321 <--functions 0 thru 4 bit position
   IF Key$ = "b" THEN B3f = 145  ''B3=1001 0001=h91=d145 bell & lights on, others off
   IF Key$ = "h" THEN B3f = 146  ''B3=1001 0010=h92=d146 horn & lights on, others off
   IF Key$ = "o" THEN B3f = 128  ''B3=1000 0000=h80=d128 all functions off
   IF Key$ = "l" THEN B3f = 144  ''B3=1001 0000=h90=d144 lights on, others off
   BYTE3f$ = HEX$(B3f)
   Ck = B1 XOR B2 XOR B3f
   BYTE4$ = HEX$(Ck)
   Xmitf$ = "S C05" + " " + BYTE1$ + " " + BYTE2$ + " " + BYTE3f$ + " " + BYTE4$
   PRINT #2, Xmitf$:
   LOCATE 8, 1: PRINT "8 {.B1...B2...B3f..CK..|.BYTE1.BYTE2.BYTE3f.BYTE4.}"
   PRINT "9 {"; B1; B2; B3f; Ck; "| " + BYTE1$ + "...." + BYTE2$ + "...." + BYTE3f$ + "...." + BYTE4$ + "....}"
   PRINT "10 { Xmit String='" + Xmitf$ + "' }"
GetLocoNum: 'Outputs: B1 & B2 (dec), Byte1$ Byte2$ (hex)
       Fwd = 96: Rev = 80: Dir = Fwd: Spd = 0  ' Speed range = 0-14
        LOCATE 2, 1: PRINT "2 GetLoco: {Enter Loco Cab Number.(Return = 452)...."; : INPUT LN$
        IF LN$ = "" THEN LN$ = "0452" 'erie lackawanna #0452
        IF LN$ = "u" THEN LN$ = "1862" 'union pacific #1862
        IF LN$ = "d" THEN LN$ = "2316" 'd&h u23 #2316 
        IF LN$ = "h" THEN LN$ = "3333" 'd&h c628 #3333
        IF LN$ = "q" THEN GOTO Exit1:
        IF LEN(LN$) > 4 THEN LN = 0: GOTO GetLocoNum
        LN = VAL(LN$)
        LNHEX$ = HEX$(LN)
        BYTE1$ = LEFT$(LNHEX$, 2) ' separate 2 hex bytes.
        BYTE2$ = RIGHT$(LNHEX$, 2)
        NIBL1$ = LEFT$(BYTE1$, 1): NIBL2$ = RIGHT$(BYTE1$, 1)
          ' PRINT LNHEX$; " "; BYTE1$; " "; BYTE2$; " "; NIBL1$; " "; NIBL2$
        'Pad loco number with 'C000'
        IF NIBL1$ = "0" THEN NIBL1$ = "C": GOTO SPLICE
        IF NIBL1$ = "1" THEN NIBL1$ = "D": GOTO SPLICE
        IF NIBL1$ = "2" THEN NIBL1$ = "E"
SPLICE: BYTE1$ = NIBL1$ + NIBL2$ ' put byte back together
CONVRT: 'Convert Byte1$ Byte2$ (hex) (via Sum) to B1 & B2 (dec) for Xor
        BYTE$ = BYTE1$: GOSUB HexDec: B1 = Sum
        BYTE$ = BYTE2$: GOSUB HexDec: B2 = Sum
        GOSUB Nce             'send command packet to NCE to print direction
''      = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =''Print values to screen
        LOCATE 20
        PRINT "20 {lnhex$=" + LNHEX$ + " byte1$/byte2$=" + BYTE1$ + " " + BYTE2$' temporary check on bytes.
        LOCATE 2, 1: PRINT SPC(79);
        LOCATE 2, 1: PRINT "2 GetLoco: {..Cab # = '" + LN$ + "'..}"
Nce:  'Send new speed/dir command packet to NCE command station
        IF Spd < 0 THEN Spd = 0      'Limits Spd range = 0 to 14
        IF Spd > 14 THEN Spd = 14
        IF Spd = 0 THEN              'Limits Sp2 range = 0, 2 to 15
           Sp2 = 0
           Sp2 = Spd + 1             'Adds 1 to adjust around emer.stop
        END IF                       '(emer. stop =1; need to avoid this)
'       = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
'       This section sends the command to the command station
        SPDV = Dir + Sp2
        B3 = SPDV: BYTE3$ = HEX$(B3)
        Ck = B1 XOR B2 XOR B3
        BYTE4$ = HEX$(Ck)
        Xmit$ = "Q " + BYTE1$ + " " + BYTE2$ + " " + BYTE3$ + " " + BYTE4$
        PRINT #2, Xmit$:
''      = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =''Print values to screen
        LOCATE 3, 1:
        IF Dir = Fwd THEN PRINT "3 NCE: Direction= Forward --> , Speed Step="; Spd
        IF Dir = Rev THEN PRINT "3 NCE: Direction= <--Reverse ,  Speed Step="; Spd
        LOCATE 21, 1: PRINT "21 {.B1...B2...B3..CK..|.BYTE1.BYTE2.BYTE3.BYTE4.}"
        PRINT "22 {"; B1; B2; B3; Ck; "| " + BYTE1$ + "...." + BYTE2$ + "...." + BYTE3$ + "...." + BYTE4$ + "....}"
        PRINT "23 { Xmit String='" + Xmit$ + "' }"
HexDec: 'This subroutine converts hex bytes to decimal.' Data to be converted
        'enters as BYTE$, is parsed to left and right characters, converted to
        'hex by "brute force" lookup, then combined as decimal.
        'Data is returned as SUM.
                NIBL$ = LEFT$(BYTE$, 1) ' (NIB$ IS VALUE TO CONVERT.)
                NIBR$ = RIGHT$(BYTE$, 1)
        ' let's decimalize the left nibble first.
                IF NIBL$ = "A" THEN DECL = 10: GOTO LNIB
                IF NIBL$ = "B" THEN DECL = 11: GOTO LNIB
                IF NIBL$ = "C" THEN DECL = 12: GOTO LNIB
                IF NIBL$ = "D" THEN DECL = 13: GOTO LNIB
                IF NIBL$ = "E" THEN DECL = 14: GOTO LNIB
                IF NIBL$ = "F" THEN DECL = 15: GOTO LNIB
                DECL = VAL(NIBL$) ' this does the digits 0-9
LNIB:           DECL = DECL * 16 ' adjust for weight of left hex char.
        ' now decimalize the right nibble
                IF NIBR$ = "A" THEN DECR = 10: GOTO RNIB
                IF NIBR$ = "B" THEN DECR = 11: GOTO RNIB
                IF NIBR$ = "C" THEN DECR = 12: GOTO RNIB
                IF NIBR$ = "D" THEN DECR = 13: GOTO RNIB
                IF NIBR$ = "E" THEN DECR = 14: GOTO RNIB
                IF NIBR$ = "F" THEN DECR = 15: GOTO RNIB
                DECR = VAL(NIBR$) ' this does the digits 0-9
RNIB:   ' now we will put the nibbles back together as a decimal value                          
                Sum = DECL + DECR
PntToPnt: 'Automatic Run Point To Point
       LOCATE 12, 1
       PRINT "12 |--------------------------------------------------------|"
       PRINT "   |                  MENU (POINT TO POINT)                 |"
       PRINT "   |                                                        |"
       PRINT "   |        'x' to Stop & Return to Manual Control          |"
       PRINT "   |   (use 'f' key on Fred's cmptr, while stopped)         |"
       PRINT "   |                                                        |"
       PRINT "   |  Stop so one sensor is blocked (do not stop in middle) |"
       PRINT "19 |--------------------------------------------------------|"
       ON KEY(18) GOSUB BreakPnToPnt: KEY(18) ON 'x key breaks to manual ctl
          LOCATE 4: PRINT "4  <- PntToPnt Mode ->"; SPC(40);
          LOCATE 4, 25: PRINT "(Top Speed="; SpdPtTop; ") (Stop Time=";
          PRINT TimePtStop; ") (Cruise Time="; TimePtCruise; ")"
       DO ''''until 'x' key is pressed to break back to Exec & Manual control
          LOCATE 5, 61: Cnt2 = Cnt2 + 1: PRINT "(5) Cnt2 ="; Cnt2
'W Snsr  '---------------- Test if West sensor is blocked
          WSensorBlocked = 0  'reset sensor (0=false, -1=true)
          IF Key$ = "w" THEN WSensorBlocked = -1 'special, use w key to FAKE W snsr blkd
          IF (INP(port) AND 128) = 128 THEN WSensorBlocked = -1 'W snsr blkd
          IF WSensorBlocked THEN  'W snsr blkd,bit 7=1: *1*1111111
             LOCATE 6: PRINT SPC(79); : LOCATE 6, 1
             PRINT "6  |<|< At West Sensor"
             DirNew = Fwd: GOSUB StopStart           'change dir to East
          END IF
'E Snsr  '---------------- Test if east sensor is blocked
          ESensorBlocked = 0  'reset sensor (0=false, -1=true)
          IF Key$ = "e" THEN ESensorBlocked = -1 'special, use e key to FAKE E snsr blkd
          IF (INP(port) AND 64) = 0 THEN ESensorBlocked = -1 'E snsr blkd
          IF ESensorBlocked THEN   'E snsr blkd,bit 6=0: 1*0*111111
             LOCATE 6: PRINT SPC(79); : LOCATE 6, 1
             PRINT "6"; SPC(55); "At East Sensor >|>|"
             DirNew = Rev: GOSUB StopStart           'change dir to West
          END IF
'Waiting  ''-------------- Waiting for Sensor Input
          LOCATE 7, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : LOCATE 7, 1
          PRINT "7       (3) Waiting to detect a Sensor blocked (w or e key)"
          Key$ = INKEY$            'Read keybd; <- = ^K, -> = ^M, ^ = ^H, v= ^P
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
       IF Spd > 0 THEN    '' RAMP DOWN  (ramp down if engine is moving)
          Key$ = "b": GOSUB NceFunctions  'bell & light on
          FOR Spd = SpdPtTop TO 0 STEP -1     '===== RAMP DOWN
             LOCATE 7, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : LOCATE 7, 1
             PRINT "7"; SPC(30); "(4) Ramping Down, Speed Step="; Spd; "of"; SpdPtTop; SPC(15);
             GOSUB Nce: SLEEP 1               'send new command packet to NCE
          NEXT Spd
          Key$ = "l": GOSUB NceFunctions  'light on
          ''-------------- STOPPED
          FOR j = 1 TO TimePtStop
             IF TimePtStop - j = 3 THEN Key$ = "h": GOSUB NceFunctions 'horn & light
             IF TimePtStop - j = 2 THEN Key$ = "l": GOSUB NceFunctions 'horn off
             IF TimePtStop - j = 1 THEN Key$ = "h": GOSUB NceFunctions 'horn & light
             LOCATE 7, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : LOCATE 7, 1
             PRINT "7"; SPC(45); "(5) Stopped; (StopTime="; j; "of"; TimePtStop; ")"
               Key$ = INKEY$            'Read keybd (Fred's computer only)
               IF Key$ = "f" THEN GOSUB BreakPnToPnt 'use for Fred's keyboard
             SLEEP 1
          NEXT j
          Key$ = "l": GOSUB NceFunctions  'light on
       END IF
       ''-------------- RAMP UP  (Chg direction & ramp up)
       Dir = DirNew: LOCATE 6, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : LOCATE 6, 1
       IF Dir = Fwd THEN PRINT "6"; SPC(50); "Eastbound (Forward) ====>"
       IF Dir = Rev THEN PRINT "6"; SPC(10); "<==== Westbound (Reverse)"
       FOR Spd = 1 TO SpdPtTop                  '===== RAMP UP
          LOCATE 7, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : LOCATE 7, 1
          PRINT "7 (1) Ramping Up, Speed Step="; Spd; "of"; SpdPtTop
          GOSUB Nce: SLEEP 3   ''send new command packet to NCE
       NEXT Spd
       ''-------------- CRUISE
       FOR j = 1 TO TimePtCruise                  '===== CRUISE
          LOCATE 7, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : LOCATE 7, 1
          PRINT "7"; SPC(25); "(2) Cruising; time"; j; "of"; TimePtCruise;
          SLEEP 1
       NEXT j
       '''''''LOCATE 7, 1: PRINT SPC(79); ''   Clear line
       Key$ = ""  ''reset or else keeps faking sensor activation
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
BreakPnToPnt: LOCATE 6, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : PRINT SPC(79); 'break to Exec. when x key pressed
Spd = 0: GOSUB Nce: Key$ = "": GOTO Exec 'init Key$ to manual Cntl
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
ChgPtToPtSettings: Spd = 0: GOSUB Nce: LOCATE 6, 1  'stop loco for new var's
   PRINT "PtToPt Top Speed="; SpdPtTop; "Enter New One or Return to keep"; : INPUT In
   LOCATE 7, 1: IF In > 0 THEN SpdPtTop = In
   PRINT "PtToPt Stop Time="; TimePtStop; "Enter New One or Return to keep.."; : INPUT In
   IF In > 0 THEN TimePtStop = In
   PRINT "PtToPt Cruise Time="; TimePtCruise; "Enter New One or Return to keep.."; : INPUT In
   IF In > 0 THEN TimePtCruise = In
   LOCATE 6, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : PRINT SPC(79); : PRINT SPC(79); 'clear lines
''''      ELSEIF Key$ = "b" THEN GOSUB NceFunctions 'bell & light on
''''      ELSEIF Key$ = "h" THEN GOSUB NceFunctions 'horn & light on
''''      ELSEIF Key$ = "l" THEN GOSUB NceFunctions 'light on, others off
AutoCircle: 'Automatic Ramp Up & Down On Circle ('x' key breaks to Exec)
       LOCATE 12, 1
       PRINT "12 |--------------------------------------------------------|"
       PRINT "   |                  MENU (CIRCLE MODE)                    |"
       PRINT "   |                                                        |"
       PRINT "   |        'x' to Stop & Return to Manual Control          |"
       PRINT "   |   (use 'f' key on Fred's computer, while stopped       |"
       PRINT "   |                                                        |"
       PRINT "   |  (Ramp Down is initiated upon crossing West sensor     |"
       PRINT "19 |--------------------------------------------------------|"
       ON KEY(18) GOSUB BreakCircle: KEY(18) ON 'x key breaks to manual ctl
       LOCATE 4: PRINT "4  Circle Mode ->->->"; "     (Top Speed="; SpdCirTop;
       PRINT ") (Cruise Time="; TimeCirCruise; ") (Stop Time="; TimeCirStop; ")"
       Dir = Fwd
       DO ''''until 'x' key is pressed to break to Exec & Manual control
          LOCATE 5, 61: Cnt2 = Cnt2 + 1: PRINT "(5) Cnt2 ="; Cnt2
          ''-------------- RAMP UP
          FOR Spd = 1 TO SpdCirTop                  '===== RAMP UP
             GOSUB Nce: LOCATE 6, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : LOCATE 6, 1
             PRINT "6 (1) Ramping Up, Speed Step="; Spd; "of"; SpdCirTop; SPC(5);
             SLEEP 1  'was 4
          NEXT Spd
          ''-------------- CRUISE
          FOR j = 1 TO TimeCirCruise                  '===== CRUISE
             LOCATE 6, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : LOCATE 6, 1
             PRINT "6", SPC(10); "(2) Cruising; time"; j; "of"; TimeCirCruise; "(speed"; Spd; ")"
             SLEEP 1
          NEXT j
          ''-------------- FIND SENSOR
          SensorBlocked = 0  'reset sensor (0=false) use -1=true to get past
          DO UNTIL SensorBlocked     'cruise until sensor blocked (true= -1)
             LOCATE 6, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : LOCATE 6, 1
             PRINT "6"; SPC(35); "(3) Waiting to detect West Sensor (w key)"
             IF (INP(port) AND 128) = 128 THEN SensorBlocked = -1 'W snsr blkd,bit 7=1: *1*1111111
             IF INKEY$ = "w" THEN SensorBlocked = -1 'FAKE W snsr blkd,bit 7=1: *1*1111111
          ''-------------- RAMP DOWN
          Key$ = "b": GOSUB NceFunctions  'bell & light on
          FOR Spd = SpdCirTop TO 0 STEP -1          '===== RAMP DOWN
             GOSUB Nce: LOCATE 6, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : LOCATE 6, 1
             PRINT "6"; SPC(40); "(4) Ramping Down, Speed Step="; Spd; "of"; SpdCirTop; SPC(15);
             SLEEP 2 'was 4
          NEXT Spd
          Key$ = "l": GOSUB NceFunctions  'light on
          ''-------------- STOPPED
          FOR j = 1 TO TimeCirStop
             IF TimeCirStop - j = 3 THEN Key$ = "h": GOSUB NceFunctions 'horn & light
             IF TimeCirStop - j = 2 THEN Key$ = "l": GOSUB NceFunctions 'horn off
             IF TimeCirStop - j = 1 THEN Key$ = "h": GOSUB NceFunctions 'horn & light
             LOCATE 6, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : LOCATE 6, 1
             PRINT "6"; SPC(50); "(5) Stopped; time"; j; "of"; TimeCirStop
               Key$ = INKEY$    'Read keybd - for Fred's computer only
               IF Key$ = "f" THEN GOSUB BreakCircle 'use for Fred's keyboard
             SLEEP 1
          NEXT j
          Key$ = "l": GOSUB NceFunctions  'light on
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
BreakCircle: LOCATE 6, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : PRINT SPC(79); 'break to Exec. when x key pressed
Spd = 0: GOSUB Nce: Key$ = "": GOTO Exec 'init Key$ to manual Cntl
'= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
ChgCircleSettings: Spd = 0: GOSUB Nce: LOCATE 6, 1  'stop loco for new var's
 PRINT "Circle Top Speed="; SpdCirTop; "Enter New One or Return to keep"; : INPUT In
 IF In > 0 THEN SpdCirTop = In: LOCATE 7, 1
 PRINT "Circle Cruise Time="; TimeCirCruise; "Enter New One or Return to keep"; : INPUT In
 IF In > 0 THEN TimeCirCruise = In: LOCATE 8, 1
 PRINT "Circle Stop Time="; TimeCirStop; "Enter New One or Return to keep.."; : INPUT In
 IF In > 0 THEN TimeCirStop = In
 LOCATE 6, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : LOCATE 7, 1: PRINT SPC(79); : PRINT SPC(79); 'clear lines
'       +---Decimal value of INPUT BYTE BEING READ    by ?inp(port) command
'       | Wst-|   |---East Sensor   (west snsr is bit 7, east is bit 6)
'1      |   | 7 | 6 | 5| 4|3|2|1|0| Bit Position  
'2      |   |128| 64|32|16|8|4|2|1| Decimal Value Of Each Bit
'       |   |---|---|--|--|-|-|-|-|
'3*     127 | 0 | 1 | 1| 1|1|1|1|1| Both sensors clear
'5*     --- |*1*| 0 | 0| 0|0|0|0|0| West (Left) sensor blocked AND 128 = 128
'7*     --- | 0 |*0*| 0| 0|0|0|0|0| East (Right) sensor blocked AND 64 = 0
TestEyes: 'Verify computer reads light detectors ('s' key breaks to Exec)
  ON KEY(18) GOSUB BreakTestEyes: KEY(18) ON 'x key breaks to manual ctl
  DO ''''until 'x key is pressed to break back to Exec & Manual control
    CLS : LOCATE 3, 1: PRINT "============= Testing Eyes ==============="
    IF (INP(port) AND 128) = 128 THEN LOCATE 6, 1: PRINT "West (Left) Sensor Blocked"
    IF (INP(port) AND 64) = 0 THEN LOCATE 12, 21: PRINT "East (Right) Sensor Blocked"
BreakTestEyes: Key$ = " ": GOTO Exec   'rewrite loco number info     
'UNUSED CODE: ===========================================================================
''xmit2$ = "S C05 C1 C4 82 87"
''xmit2a$ = "S C05 C1 C4 90 95"
''xmit2b$ = "S C05 C1 C4 80 85"
''PRINT #2, xmit2a$
''PRINT #2, xmit2b$
''ck = c1 XOR c4 XOR 80: PRINT ck
''ck = 193 XOR 196 XOR 130: PRINT ck

(1B01=[an error occurred while processing this directive])

This page created 8/15/01, and last modified 8/16/01

[an error occurred while processing this directive]