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 Bylaws Of Some OTHER Computer Groups:
Gold Coast Macintosh Users Group (Florida)
North Coast Macintosh Users Group (pdf format) (California)
Above 2 links are from
Big For-Sure Mac Club (BFMC) (name changed upon request)

The following bylaws are an initial draft, that was submitted by Loraine Prutzman at the 5/10/04 meeting. These not yet been formally adopted.

Bylaws of the Danville Apple Pi Macintosh Users Group - ver 5/10/04

Article I - Name

The name of this organization shall be Danville Apple Pi .

Article II -Objects

The objects of this club shall be to promote and educate MacIntosh owners and the public on the use and advantages of Macintosh computers.

Article III - Members

Any and all person who expresses interest in our objective may apply for membership by attending at least one scheduled meeting and paying the annual dues fee.

Article IV - Dues

a. The annual dues shall be $ 12.00, payable upon applying for membership and each fiscal year of the club thereafter.

b. A members name will be removed from the Club roster when dues are not paid within 3 months following their due date.

Notice of pending removal shall be sent by the Treasurer 30 days prior to removal.

Article V - Officers

a. The elected officers of the Club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer , Web site Manager.

b. These Officers shall be elected annually at the May meeting and take office at the close of that meeting.

c. Nominations shall be made from the floor , provided the consent of the nominee has been obtained.

d. Vacancies in any of the Offices, except that of President which would be filled by the Vice President, shall be filled at the next regular meeting .

Article VI - Duties of Officers

The Officers shall perform duties prescribed by these by-laws and such other duties as shall be ordered by the Club.

a. PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings and have general supervision of the Club.

b. VICE PRESIDENT shall, in the absence of the President, perform the duties pertaining to that office; shall be the Program Chairman, planning the meeting programs for the year , subject to the approval of the Board.

c. SECRETARY shall record all proceedings of the Club , providing the President with a copy of the meeting minutes with in two weeks following said meeting and shall present a printed copy to members attending the following months meeting.

d. TREASURER shall receive all funds of the Chapter , depositing same in a bank as directed or approved by the Club, disburse funds as directed by the Club, prepare the accounts for auditing before each annual meeting and present a report of the past months activity at each meeting .

e. WEB SITE MANAGER will post notices of meetings online at least 10 days prior to said meeting and perform any other similar duties as directed by the Executive Board.

Article VII - Meetings

a. Regular meetings shall be held on the second Monday evening of the months September through May at a time and place approved by the membership, unless other wise ordered by consensus of the Officers.

b. The May meeting will be considered the annual meeting and end of the financial year.

c. Special meetings may be called by the Officers or by request of 5 members of the Club. Such special meetings shall be limited to the subject stated in the notice of such meeting.

d. Five members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.

Article VIII - Executive Board

The Officers of the Club constitute the Executive Board and have general supervision of the Club between its meetings but it is subject to the orders of the Club and none of its acts shall be in conflict with action taken by the Club.

Article IX - Committees

a. An auditing committee of 3 members shall be appointed by the President at the March meeting.

This Committee will prepare an audit of the financial records of the Club and present a report of the same at the May meeting.

b. Such other Committees , standing or special, shall be appointed by the President as authorized by the Club.

Article X - Amendment to By-Laws

These By-laws maybe amended at any regular meeting of the Club by a two-thirds vote, provided that the proposed amendment(s) have been submitted to the membership on the date of the previous meeting.

This may be done by meeting handouts , web site or direct e-mail notice .

Any amendments so adopted shall become effective upon adoption.

Article XI - Dissolution

If for any reason the Club is dissolved or otherwise terminated , the property or proceeds of the Club shall be distributed by the direction of the Executive Board in a equitable manner , upon approval of the membership .


These By-laws adopted ____________________.

This page modified 8/20/2005 by (bottom include) , Williamsport PA, Apache Junction AZ