** MENU - RailNet **
This is a PARTIAL list
of Vendors, who are located in or somewhere nearby the North Central PA
region. Most do both sales & repairs. A few are repairs-only.
This 'Track2 RailNet'
'Vendors' Page is a PARTIAL list of Model Railroad stores, private
sellers, and repair people for Lycoming County and the surrounding
Central Pennsylvania Region.
The geographical area
extends -- very approximately -- north to Mansfield, south to Harrisburg,
east to Scranton, and west to Altoona.
Sections I, II, & III
are three different INDEXES. The actual information is below in
Sections IV and V .
Vendors are identified as
"Store" if they have regular business hours, or "Home" if they meet you
by appointment, and 2 are designated "Mail Order". Most do both sales
& repairs. Some are repairs-only.
- Most Recent Updates:
- * 12/18/08: Removed Dale's
- * 12/18/08: Removed J&B
Toy Trains
- * 12/18/08: Added
Martin-Thomas American Flyer Repair
- * 12/18/08: Added Toy Train
Heaven Mail Order
- * 12/18/08: Added PJ's
Trains & Hobbies Mail Order
- -
Index 2 - Geographical
Geographical index,
for the vendors listed below In Sections IV & V.
This index
contains the SAME names as the previous Index 1 above -- but it is
ordered by geographical REGIONS - more or less from west to
Central PA
- A. Altoona
- Altoona - On The
Right Track Hobbies
- B. State College-Lewistown
- Lemont - Forster's
Trains & Toys
- Lewistown -
Forsythe-Edward, Model Railroad Repairs
- C. Wellsboro-Lawrenceville
- D. Lock Haven-Renovo
- Mill Hall - Branch
Line Junction Hobby Shop
- Mill Hall -
Hill-Jim, American Flyer Trains
- Renovo -
Horner-Tim, American Flyer Trains
- E. Williamsport
- Hughesville -
Blacklight Rail And Spike Shop
- Montoursville -
English Model Railroad Supply
- Montoursville -
Toy Train Heaven (Mail Order) part of Bowser/English
- Roaring Branch -
Collector's Den
- Trout Run - QP
Cuties Doll Houses & Miniatures
- Williamsport -
Derrs REA
- Williamsport -
Thomas-Max Jr., American Flyer Trains
- Williamsport -
- Williamsport -
Vern's Train Repair
- F.
- Hummels Whart -
Fastrax Model Railways
- Mifflinburg - T
And T Model Trains
- Northumberland -
Weaver Quality Craft Models
- Shamokin - Trains
'N' Things
- Sunbury - Bobby
Line Plasticville Parts & Boxes
- Sunbury - Hause's
Train Shop
- Sunbury -
Martin-Thomas American Flyer Repair
- G. Bloomsburg-Danville
- Bloomsburg - R
& R Hobbies & Trains
- Catawissa -
Catawissa Track Cleaners
- Danville - T &
J Train Junction
- Danville -
Wagner-Earl, American Flyer Repair
- Danville - Wee
Home Shoppe Miniatures
- Stillwater - PJ's
Trains & Hobbies (Mail Order)
- H. Hazleton
- Hazleton -
Shutovich-Gary, American Flyer Trains
- I. Wilkes-Barre-Scranton
- Nanticoke -
Warrior Run Locomotive Shop
- Pittston -
Pittston Train Shop
- Scranton -
Bernie's Train Station
- Scranton -
Emick-Daniel, American Flyer Trains
- Scranton -
Grzyboski's Train Store
- Scranton -
Scranton Hobby Center
- Wilkes-Barre --
The Train Shoppe and Hobby Center LTD
- Wilkes-Barre --
Walters Hardware
South Central PA
- J. Harrisburg-York-Lancaster
- Manheim - Rules's
Model Trains
- K. Allentown-Bethlehem
- Bethlehem -
Christmas City Hobbies
Appendix VI - Links to nationwide vendor
IV. Vendor
Information 1 - North
- North
Central Pa
- Ordered
By Geographical Region (as listed in Index 2 above)
FORMAT for Listings
on this page
(Line 1)
. . City - Store . . . if it's a walk-in business with regular hours . . . or
. . City - Home . . .if it's an individual operating by
appointment, usually at home
(Line 2) Name, website
(Line 3) * phone number, contact person(s)
(Line 4) * address
. . . (updated 8/07 J
- .Altoona - Store
The Right Track Hobbies
* (814)
* Store at 1822 Union Ave, Altoona Pa 16601
. . (updated 6/99 J Ingram)
B. State
- Lemont - Store
Trains & Toys
* (814)
* Lemont Train Station, 140 Mary St, Lemont Pa 16851
. . (updated 1/00 J Ingram) .
- Lewistown - Home
Model Railroad Repairs
* Ed Forsythe, (717) 248-4862
* 1317 Vira Road, Lewistown Pa 17044 (residence)
. . (updated 10/00 J Ingram)
- Mill Hall - Store
- Branch
Line Junction Hobby Shop
* 570-726-4611 or 800-451-3682
- M, T, Th, F 9-5
<> W, S approx 9-noon
- * 101 Main Street,
Mill Hall Pa 17751
. . . (updated 6/99
J Ingram).
- Mill Hall - Home
American Flyer Trains
* Jim Hill,
570-726-6826 evenings
* 88 Magnolia St, Mill Hall Pa 17751 (residence)
. . (updated 6/99 J Ingram)
- Renovo - Home
American Flyer Train Repair
* Tim Horner,
570-923-2188 evenings
* 414 Fairview Lane, Renovo, 17764-1326 (residence)
. . (updated 10/98 J Ingram)
- Hughesville - Home
- Blacklight
Rail And Spike Shop
570.584.4117, Steve Kepner
* 158 So. Fourth St, Hughesville Pa 17737 (residence)
- * Sales of G and
HO scale. <> Builder of the several G scale railroads in area
- (updated 6/99 J
- Montoursville - Store
- English's
Model Railroad Supply, Bowser-Trains.com/store.php
* 570.368.2516, Lou English/Richard Cox
- M-Th 9-5, F 9-7, S
9-5 // Nov & Dec: M-F 9-8, S 9-5
- * 21 Howard
Street, Montoursville Pa 17754
- * Has 10' x 20'
operating display, 3 loops O gauge, 1 loop S gauge. Separate 8'x16'
3-loop G scale operating display. <> Also home of Bowser
. . . (updated 6/99
J Ingram)
- Montoursville - Mail Order
- Toy
Train Heaven, ToyTrainHeaven.com
. . . (updated 12/08
J Ingram)
- This is the mail
order branch of Bowser Trains; see above listing.
- .
. (updated 12/08 J Ingram)
- Roaring Branch - Home
- Collector's
Den, ToyTrainRepair.net
* Ray Sorenson, 570.673.8734
* 4306 Ellington Mt. Road, Roaring Branch Pa 17765 (residence)
- (Roaring Branch is
about 25 miles north of Williamsport on Route 14)
- * Specializes in
repairs and restoration.
- (updated 8/2007 J
- Trout Run - Store
- QP
Cuties Doll Houses Miniatures
- * 570.998.2614,
T-F 10-5, S 10-4
- * 313 Trout Run
Mountain Rd, Trout Run Pa 17771
- (Trout Run is
about 12 miles north of Williamsport on Route 14)
- (updated 1/00 J
- Williamsport - Home
- Derr's
- * 570.323.5714
- * 838 Diamond St,
Williamsport Pa 17701 (residence)
- (updated 6/99 J
- Williamsport - Home
- Rails
To Savings
- * 570.322.8093,
Steve Williams
- * 1015 West
Mountain Ave, So. Williamsport Pa 17702 (residence)
- (updated 6/99 J
- Williamsport - Home
- Thomas-Max,
American Flyer Trains
- * 570.323.2583,
Max Thomas Jr.
- * 325 Fisher St,
South Williamsport Pa 17702 (residence)
- (updated 6/99 J
- Williamsport - Home
- Vern's
Train Repair
- * 570.323.3423,
Vern Trego
- * 1930 W. Fourth
St, Williamsport Pa 17701 (residence)
- (updated 1/00 J
- Hummel's Wharf - Store

- update 12/2008:
this vendor seems to have dissappeared
Fastrax Model Railways, FastraxRailways.com
- *
Eric Watts (disconnected)
- *
P.O. Box
4. Hummels Wharf, Pa 17831 (moved)
- * Specializes in building custom model
railroads. Also a small retail store.
- (updated 12/08 J
- Mifflinburg - Store by
- T
And T Model Trains
- * 570.966.1620,
hours by appointment
- (updated 6/99 J
- Northumberland - Factory
- Weaver
Quality Craft Models, WeaverModels.com
- * 570.473.3293
- * PO Box 231,
Route 11, Northumberland Pa 17857
- (updated 1/00 J
- Shamokin - Store
- Trains
'N' Things
- * 570.648.4644,
Paul L. Nye Jr.
- M-Th 10 - 5, F 10
- 8, S 10-4; Closed Wed in
- * 131 E.
Independence St, Shamokin Pa 17872
- (updated 6/99 J
- Sunbury - Home

- Bobby
Line Plasticville Parts & Boxes, BobbyLines.com
- * 570.286.7780,
Bob Persing
- * 231 N. Fourth
St, Sunbury Pa 17801 (residence)
- * Specializes in
parts for Plasticville buildings
- (updated 12/08 J
- Sunbury - Store
- Hause's
Train Shop
- * 570.286.5417,
Mr. Haus
- * 311 Reagan St,
Sunbury Pa 17801
- (updated 6/99 J
- Sunbury - Home

- Martin
Thomas American Flyer Repair
- * 570.286.8870,
Tom Martin
- * 569 Shipman
Road, Sunbury Pa 17801
- (updated 2/2010 J
- Bloomsburg - Store

- R
& R Hobbies And Trains
- * (570) 389-0760,
Ralph Knelly
- M-F 9:30-5, other
hours by appointment
- * 384 East St,
Bloomsburg Pa 17815
- (updated 8/07 J
Ingram per bus. card).
- Catawissa - Home

- Catawissa
Track Cleaners, CatawissaTrackCleaners.com
- * (570) 356-2862,
Dave Maurer
- * 566 Old Reading
Road, Catawissa 17820
- * Custom-built G,
O, & S gauge track cleaning cars
- (updated 12/07 J
- Danville - Store
- T
And J Train Junction, TandJTrainJunction.com
- * (570) 850-1234,
Scott & MaryAnn Lynn
- T-S 10-5, closed
Sun, M
- * 292 Mill St,
Danville Pa 17821
- (updated 12/07 J
- Danville - Home

- Wagner-Earl,
American Flyer Repair
- * 570.275.8405,
Earl Wagner
- * 135 Cherokee Rd,
Danville Pa 17821 (residence)
- * Repairs only, no
- (updated 6/99 J
- Danville - Store
- Wee
Home Shoppe Miniatures
- * 570.275.6538,
Ann Carol Malcome
- * 279 Mill St,
Danville Pa 17821
- * RailNet Photos
page has scanned newspaper article.
- (updated 1/00 J
- Stillwater - Mail Order
- PJ's
Trains & Hobbies, PjsTrains.com
- * 570.925.2722,
Phil Malhoyt
- * Stillwater Pa
(near Benton)
- (updated 12/08 J
- Hazleton - Home
- Shutovich-Gary,
American Flyer Trains
- * 570.454.5839,
Gary Shutovich
- (updated 1/00 J
I. Scranton
& Wilkes-Barre
- Nanticoke - Store
- Warrior
Run Locomotive Works, WarriorRunLocoWorks.com
- * 570.735.5570,
Clem O'Jevich Jr.
- * 32 South Market,
Nanticoke Pa 18634
- * Mostly large
scale, some HO
- (updated 8/07
added link).
- Pittston - Store
- Pittston
Train Shop
- * 570.602.7392 or
655.4427, John Merlino
- * 5 William St,
Pittston Pa 18640
- * Predominately
Lionel O gauge
- (updated 6/04 J
- Scranton - Store
- Bernie's
Train Station
- * 570.941.3210,
- * 1627 N. Main
Ave, Scranton Pa 18508
- * Predominately
HO. Operating display layout.
- (updated 6/04 J
- Scranton - Home
- Emick-Daniel,
American Flyer Trains
- * 570.344.0170,
Dan Emick
- * 632 Stafford
Ave, Scranton Pa 18505-2505 (residence)
- (updated 11/01 J
- Scranton - Store
- Grzyboski's
Train Store, GrzyboskiTrains.com
- * 570.347.3314 or
347.3315, Joseph A. Grzyboski, Jr.
- * 430 Lackawanna
Ave, Scranton Pa 18503
- (updated 8/07 link
- Scranton - Store
- Scranton
Hobby Center
- * 570.342.1963,
Jack Sweeney
- * 517 Lackawanna
Ave, Scranton Pa 18503
- (updated 6/99 J
- Wilkes-Barre -- Store
- The
Train Shoppe and Hobby Center LTD
- * 570.824.7688
- * 334 North
Pennsylvania Ave, Wilkes-Barre Pa 18702
- (updated 7/06 J
- Wilkes-Barre -- Store
- Walters
- * 570.823.1406
- * 57 N Welles St,
Wilkes-Barre Pa 18702
- * Large G scale
layout. Mostly G scale.
- (updated 10/04 J
V. Vendor
Information 2 - South
- South
Central Pa
- Ordered
By Geographical Region (as listed in Index 2 above)
Note: Info is fairly "sketchy" for this area, due to it being fairly
far from where I live.
- Manheim - Store
- Rules's
Model Trains
- * 717.664.5155 //
M-F 4-9, S 10-5
- * 202 S. Charlotte
St, Manheim Pa 17545
- (updated 0/00 J
- Bethlehem - Store/Home
- Christmas
City Hobbies
- * 610.974.9590,
Louis Blaukowitch
- * 705 Linden St,
Bethlehem Pa 18018
- * Store is
operated by the Lehigh & Keystone Valley MRC.
- (updated 1/00 J
Appendix VI.
Links To Other Vendor Lists.
- NMRA list -- www.cwrr.com/nmra/Shopa-NR.html#PA
- Richard Weyand/tractronics
-- (page last updated Aug 2002)