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Notes about operations that Listserver moderators perform
(For basic info, see the Listserver Overview page)
On this page below:
  1. View Listserver Addresses
  2. View Messages
  3. View Listserver Settings
  4. Sign In Method 1
  5. View Members
  6. Add Members
  7. Remove Members
  8. Give Member Posting Privileges
  9. Promote Member to Moderator
  10. Change Member to 'No Email'
  11. Change Footer
  12. Change Description
  13. Change Listserver Address

Yahoo also has an extensive Groups Help Section to answer your questions.

Recommendations For Email Addresses

  1. For Moderating -- Even if you already have a Yahoo ID, I recommend you create a NEW Yahoo ID 'john3333@yahoo.com' to use exclusively for controlling the Listserver.
    • REASON: Lately there has been Spam coming through the nhdance-owner@yahoogroups, and you probably don't want this forwarded to addresses you are regularly using.
    • You should check this address occasionally. About 99% of the mail will be spam, but occasionally somebody will use this address to send you a legitimate inquiry.

  2. For Posting Messages -- Use your regular 'John@aol.com' type address for posting.
    • I recommend you set up a separate address 'Johnpost@aol.com' just for posting, to keep Listserver replies separate from your personal email.

A. Pre Sign-In Operations - View Listserver Addresses, Messages, & Settings

You can do the following 3 operations without being Signed In
  1. View Listserver Addresses -- To View Subscribe/Unsubscribe Addresses:
    • On the 'Home' page: find the heading 'Group Email Addresses' down toward the bottom.
    • You will see the addresses for 'Post message', 'Subscribe', Unsubscribe', and 'List Owner'.

  2. Messages -- To View Messages:
    • On the 'Home' page: Select Messages from the left menu bar.
      • This step assumes the Listserver is set so that anyone can view messages (recommended for public announcement Listservers).
      • Alternately, the Listserver can be set so that only members can see the messages, and to do so, they will need to 'sign in' with a Yahoo ID.

  3. Settings -- To View Listserver Settings:
    • On the 'Home' page: Select the Settings link in the left column (located to right of 'Info' box, and just above 'Group Information' title

      B. Sign In To Yahoo

  4. Sign In Method 1
    1. Navigate to the group's home page (NHdance or cpsdn)
    2. On the 'Home' page: Select Sign In on at the top left
    3. On the 'Sign In To Yahoo' page: Enter YahooID & password
      • Verify the "remember my ID on this computer" box is NOT checked
    4. Observe the 'Home' reappears
  5. Sign In Method 2 -- Alternate, Starting At Yahoo.com
    1. Navigate to the Yahoo home page (Yahoo.com)
    2. On the Yahoo home page: Select 'Groups' from the left menu bar
    3. On the 'Groups' page: Select Sign In on at the top left
    4. On the 'Sign In To Yahoo' page: Enter YahooID & password
      • Verify the "remember my ID on this computer" box is NOT checked
    5. Observe the 'Groups' reappears
      • Observe the column on left, now lists all your Groups
      • Select the link for your Group (NHdance or cpsdn or whatever)
    6. Observe the 'NHdance' home page appears, and you are signed in.

      C. View Members & Generate List of Email Addresses

  6. View Members
    1. On the 'Home' page: Select Members in the left menu bar
    2. On the 'Members' page:
      • Observe members appear, sorted by the 1st column, Yahoo ID
      • Select the link Email Delivery, at the top of the 3rd column, to sort by the email address
    3. To Generate A List of Members' Emails:
      • On the 'Members' page: Select (open in new window) Download link, located near the upper right
      • Observe this command generates list of all email addresses in group.
    4. To Generate A List of Members' Emails & Names:
      • On the 'Members' page: Select (open in new window) Export link, located near the upper right
      • Observe this command generates list of all email addresses in group, plus their names and date they became a member
        • Note that if person subscribed themself by email, the Listserver won't include their name
    5. Note you can also generate a list of moderators, and also members with 'bouncing' email

      D. Add or Remove Members

  7. Add Members 
    1. On the 'Home' Page: Select Invite in the left menu bar
    2. On the 'Invite People to Join' Page:
      • Select "Add Members from an existing email list" at bottom of page
      • Comment: You can use the invite members page, but I recommend AGAINST it, because people rarely respond to the invitations.
    3. On the 'Add Members' Page 1:
      • Enter email address and name in first box
        • Suggested format: email space last-first
        • Example: Joe@aol.com Smith-Joe-Clarion
      • Enter introductory message in the 2nd box
        • Example: "Adding Joe Smith per recent conversation"
      • Enter introductory message in the 2nd box
      • Select Continue link at bottom of page
    4. On the 'Add Members' Page 2 (review names):
      • Verify addresses are correct
      • Select Continue link at bottom of page
    5. On the 'Add Members' Page 3 (review message):
      • Browse the message
      • Select Add Members link at bottom of page
    6. On the 'Add Members' Page 4 (confirmation):
      • Observe message "You have added 1 member to your group".
      • Select View Members List link

  8. Remove Members
    1. On the 'Home' page: Select Members in the left menu bar
    2. On the 'Members' page:
      • Observe members appear, sorted by the 1st column, Yahoo ID
      • Select the link Email Delivery, at the top of the 3rd column, to sort by the email address
    3. To Remove:
      • In the far right column next to the member's email address, check the "remove address" box.
      • Select Save Changes at top or bottom of page.

        E. Change Posting Or Moderator Privileges or Email

  9. Give Member Posting Privileges
    1. On the 'Home' page: Select Members in the left menu bar
    2. On the 'Members' page:
      • Observe members appear, sorted by the 1st column, Yahoo ID
      • Select the link Email Delivery, at the top of the 3rd column, to sor by the email address
      • Select the 'View Expanded' link at top right under the blue 'Members' box
      • Select the Edit Membership underneath person's name in left column
    3. On the 'Edit Members' page:
      • Members appear, sorted by Yahoo ID

  10. Moderator -- To 'promote' a member to Moderator
    1. On the 'Home' Page: Select Members in the left menu bar
    2. On the 'Members' page:
      • Find the member's name
      • Select Edit Membership link under member's name
    3. On the 'Edit Member' page: Select Change to Moderator link.
    4. On the 'Make Moderator' page: Select the following 2 check-boxes:
      • 'Notify this moderator when there are pending messages/memberships which require approval'.
      • 'Notify this moderator when a member joins/leaves this group or new files uploaded'.
      • Under 'Moderator Privileges' at the bottom, select all check- boxes, except the last box labeled 'Delete This Group'.
      • At the bottom of the page, select Make Moderator .
    5. On the 'Edit Moderator' page, at the bottom: Select Save Changes .
    6. On the 'Members' page: Verify in the 3rd column 'Email Delivery', you see the note [Unmoderated] under the member's email address.

  11. No Email -- To change a member to 'No Email'
    1. On the 'Members' page, in the 3rd column 'Email Delivery': Change the "pull-down" from 'Individual Emails' to 'No Email', then select Save Changes at the bottom.

      F. Change Footer, Description & Address

  12. Change Footer -- To Change Footer Message (footer is included at bottom of every email):
    1. On the 'Home' page: Select Management in the left menu bar
    2. On the 'Management' page: Select Messages under the 'Group Settings' heading on the right
    3. On the 'Group Settings' page: Select 'Subject Tag and Footer (Edit)'
    4. On the 'Group Settings' EDIT page: Change the footer text
      • Note this can be only plain text. HTML does not work.
      • I usually create this in advance in a text file (C:/Listserver/nhdance/footer), then copy and paste it into the Yahoo window.
    5. On the 'Group Settings' EDIT page, at the bottom: Select Save Changes .
    6. This takes you back to the 'Group Settings' page. You can navigate to wherever you want to go next.

  13. Description -- To Change Description on home page:
    1. On the 'Home' page: Select Management in the left menu bar
    2. On the 'Management' page: Select Management under the 'Group Settings' heading on the right
    3. On the 'Group Settings' page: Select 'Description (Edit)'
    4. On the 'Group Settings' EDIT page: Change the description text
      • Note this can be plain text, or HTML
      • I usually create this in advance in a text file (C:/Listserver/nhdance/description), then copy and paste it into the Yahoo window.
    5. On the 'Group Settings' EDIT page, at the bottom: Select Save Changes .
    6. This takes you back to the 'Group Settings' page. You can navigate to wherever you want to go next.
    7. Note: Grapic (Photo) -- You can and should add a graphic image later. There's a 'Photo (Edit)' link near the bottom of the 'Group Settings' page to do this.

  14. Listserver Address -- To Change Listserver Address:
    1. Format is 'http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OurClub'
    2. The 'OurClub' part can be changed, as long as new name is available
    3. To check: In a browser address window: Change address to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OurClubNew, to find out if a group by that name already exists
    4. To change: Follow steps in next paragraph for 'Description', except on the 'Group Settings' Page, select 'Web Address (Edit)', instead of selecting 'Description (Edit)'

m . . This page originated 10/23/06, last modified 11/12/06 by (bottom include)
JamesRobertIngram.com , Williamsport PA, Apache Junction AZ