** MENU - Dance **
* The Legions
& Restaurants page lists
additional NON-ballroom locations (Legions, VFWs, etc)
- .
Index 2 - Geographical
Geographical index,
for the studios & clubs listed below In Section III.
This index
contains the SAME names as the previous Index 1 above -- but it is
ordered by geographical REGIONS - more or less from west to
- (advertisement -
Easy Web Pages)
- Format for
listings on this page
A. Altoona-State College
- Altoona -
Dancenergy Studio
- Altoona - Vertical
Expressions Studio
- Boalsburg -
Central Pennsylvania Ballroom Dancers
- Boalsburg - Centre
- Pleasant Gap -
Dance Harmony
- State College -
Penn State Ballroom Dance Club
- State College -
Penn State Swing Dancing Club
- State College -
Town & Gown Dance Club
- Links Page -
(outdated) Dancing In Centre County
B. Williamsport-Montoursville-Turbotville
- Hughesville - Gary
& Bonnie's Swing Dance Classes
- Montoursville -
River Valley Dance, Round Dance Studio
- Turbotville -
Parish House Dance [Classes only]
- Williamsport -
Carol Andrews West Coast Swing Instruction [Classes only]
- Williamsport -
Mike & Pam's Dances At Messiah Lutheran Church
- Williamsport - St.
John's School Of The Arts [Classes only]
- Williamsport -
Studio Of The Performing Arts [Classes only]
- Williamsport -
Susquehanna Ballroom Dance Society
- Williamsport -
Tony's Ballroom Classes [Classes only]
C. Sunbury-Selinsgrove
- Selinsgrove
(Freeburg) - Pleasant Valley Dancers
- Sunbury - The
Moyer Institute of Dance [Classes only]
D. Danville-Bloomsburg-Berwick
- Berwick - Berwick
Dance Arts Studio [Classes only]
- Danville - Studio
Brick Ballroom Studio [Classes only]
- Appendix IV. List of Contacts
- Advertisement
- Build A Free & Easy Web Page For Your Ballroom Club

James Ingram's BilltownWeb.com site shows you how you can:
- Build an
easy-to-update web page for FREE using a blog. For more info, watch Jim's building-web-pages video .
- Optionally, you
can add a 'YourClub.com' type domain name for about $12-$15/year, from
NameCheap.com or a similar low-cost domain name registrar. For more
watch Jim's Domain Name Video .
Studio/Group Information 1
Central Pa -- Ordered By Geographical Region
Listings on this page
- (Line 1)
- City - Studio . . . if group has a full-time dedicated dance
studio . . . or
- City - Group . . . if group uses a rented temporary facility
(Line 2) Name, website
- (Line 3)
* contact person(s), phone number
- (Line 4)
* address . . .(if it's a permanent studio)
- (Line 5)
* dance schedule comments
- . . . (updated 8/07 J
- .Altoona - Studio

Dancenergy, Dancenergy.us
* Barry & Melissa
Bollinger (814) 949-9622
* Studio at 1982 Bellemead Drive, Altoona, PA 16602
* Weekly Friday night dance party, 9 pm to 11 pm
. . (names updated 12/2008)
- Altoona - Studio
- Boalsburg - Group
Pennsylvania Ballroom Dancers Assoc., cpbdadance.weebly.com
* Dances at State
College Elks Club, Rt 45 in Boalsburg . . . [MAP]
* Monthly dance usually the 2nd or 3rd Sunday evening.
. . (link corrected 1/2017)
- Boalsburg
- Group

Rounds, CentreRounds.com
1/2017, no new link can be found
* Carter & Ruby
Ackerman (814) 238-8949
* This is a Round Dance club, but they also do some freestyle ballroom
dancing as well .
. . (1/2017)
- Pleasant Gap - Studio

Harmony, DanceHarmony.com
* Kevin Fee (814)
* Studio at 220 North Main St - Suite B, Pleasant Gap Pa 16823
* Monthly dance usually 3rd Saturday, 8 pm to 10 pm
. . (studio name
- State
College - Group
- State
College - Group
- State
College - Group
& Gown Dance Club, www.TownAndGownOnline.com
## BAD LINK 1/2017,
no new link can be found
* Dances at State
College Elks Club, Rt 45 in Boalsburg . . . [MAP]
* Monthly dance, appears to be often the 3rd Friday of the month. . . . (updated 1/2017)
- Links
Page (outdated)
- Dancing
in Centre County web page at http://bcdance.home.att.net
- ## BAD LINK 1/2017, no new link can be found
Lists several groups, but I believe it is
OUT- OF DATE since 2002. . . . (1/2017)
- Hughesville - Group

& Bonnie's Swing Dance Classes, GaryAndBonnie.com
* Gary & Bonnie
Glidewell (570) 546-2866
* Swing dance
classes in Hughesville area. . (8/2007).
- Montoursville - Group

Valley Dance, Round Dance Studio, RiverValleyDance.com
* Frank & Sandy
Hartzel (570) 435-8136
* Cued ballroom
(aka 'round dancing') dance classes & dances in Montoursville and
West Milton
. . . (updated 10/2013).
- Turbotville - Group

Note 2/2015:
Classes are no longer
given at this location.
House Dance Classes
* Pastor Erwin 'PR'
Roux, church office (570) 649-5195
* Classes at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, 39 Paradish Street,
Turbotville, Pa. 17772 [Map]
* Classes on Fri evenings, 7 pm - 8 pm and 8 pm - 9 pm; no summer
classes. (old website at track2.com/parish ).). . (corrected 2/2015).
- Williamsport
- Group
Andrews West Coast Swing Instruction
- * Carol Andrews, h
(570) 326-5902, w (570) 322-4710 or 322-3503, x309.
- * 2349 Northway
Road, Williamsport 17701
- * West Coast Swing
instruction by private lesson.
- (Carol previously
taught the Rose Street Wranglers Country Western demonstration team.)
- *. (6/2000).
- Williamsport
- Group
Dances are no longer held at this location.
& Pam's Dances At The Messiah Lutheran Church
* Mike & Pam
Yoder (570) 326-0977
* Usually has a
monthly Friday night dance, schedule on WilliamsportBallroom.com. . (8/2007).
- Williamsport - Group

Classes are no longer
given by these instructors.
John's School Of The Arts, MimiAndJohn.wordpress.com
* John Stugrin &
Mimi Troisi, school (570) 326-7640
* School at Williamsport Pa 17701
* Ballroom classes
. . . (10/2009)
- Williamsport
- Studio
- Williamsport - Group
This group is inactive.
Ballroom Dance Society
* Tony Thomke (570)
220-6468, Nancy Machinski (570) 368-1119.
* Usually has a
monthly Friday night dance, schedule on WilliamsportBallroom.com. . (8/2007).
- Williamsport - Group
- Selinsgrove (Freeburg) -

Valley Dancers,
* Jack & Natasha
Holt (570) 374-5324
* Home/studio at 1 W. Front Street, Freeburg (about 5 miles west of
Selinsgrove on Rt 35)
* Classes and dances in ballroom & folk dancing on Fri, Sat, or Sun
. . (8/2007).
- Sunbury - Studio
Moyer Institute of Dance
moyerinstituteofdance.com ## Kids classes only ??
*Joan Moyer-Clark,
(570) 286-6545
* Studio at 910 N. 5th St, Sunbury Pa 17801
* Ballroom classes on Sunday evenings
. . (8/2007).
- Berwick
- Studio
Dance Arts
## Kids classes only ??
* Heather Makar,
(570) 854-8151
* Studio at 117 South Orchard Street in Berwick (just off Rt 11, a few
blocks north of the K-Mart
* Classes on Thur evenings 7 pm - 8 pm . . . (11/2005)
- Danville
- Studio

Brick, StudioBrick.com ##BAD LINK
## Studio closed, building sold
* Nancie Wagner (570)
* Studio at 118 Walnut St, Danville Pa 17821-1543 [MAP]
* Classes various nights . . . (11/2005)
Studio Brick
Quicktime tango video clip (10 seconds)
- .
Appendix IV.
Instructors & Other Contacts - in or near North Central Pa
When an instructor
is connected with the above-listed groups, the link takes you up to
that group
- Andrews,
Carol {Williamsport}, h (570) 326-5902, w (570) 322-4710 or 322-3503,
x309. 2349 Northway Road, Williamsport 17701 -- West Coast Swing
instruction by private lesson. (Carol previously ran the Rose Street
Wranglers Country Western demonstration team.)
- Dady, Ken &
Charlotte {Jersey Shore}, h 398-1377, -- East Coast/single step swing
instruction, Jersey Shore & Lewisburg
- Grafius, Joy
{Williamsport}, h (570) 323-6873, 731 Menne Alley, Williamsport PA
17701 -- previous asst-instructor for Herb Wahl's YMCA classes &
Ballroom dances
- Machinski, Nancy
{Williamsport}, see above Tony's Ballroom Classes
- Moyer-Clark, Joan
{Sunbury}, see above Moyer Institute Of Dance
- Refice, Ron &
Cathy {Scranton}, (570) 383-9923 (has email) -- West Coast Swing instruction
- Roux, Pastor Erwin
(goes by PR) {Turbotville}, see above Parish House Dance
- Wagner, Nancie
{Danville}, see above Studio Brick
- Wahl, Herb A. Jr
{Forksville} see above Herb's Ballroom Classes (Box 67, Route 87, Forksville PA 18616)